Terms and Conditions:
In these terms and conditions ‘ICU’ refers to Imperial College Union, ‘You’ or ‘Your’ refers to individual purchasing or using the tickets. These terms shall be governed by English law and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. Nothing in these terms shall exclude liability for fraudulent misrepresentation.
By attending Summer Ball, you agree to abide by all ICU rules, regulations and bye-laws and understand that the event takes place on College campus and all Imperial College rules, regulations and code(s) of conduct apply to you at the event.

Purchasing Tickets
  • You may only purchase tickets for use yourself, or guest tickets for individuals with whom you will be attending the event with.
  • You may not buy guest tickets if you do not intend on attending the event yourself.
  • You must not attempt to buy a ticket on behalf of another individual through deception.
  • You may not transfer or resell your ticket.
Event Tickets
  • Your ticket purchase will show in your account on Fatsoma which is linked to your CID. Details on collecting physical tickets and wristbands will be published in advance of the event – you will be required to bring your CID card and valid proof of age.
  • The unauthorised production, reproduction, or replication of event tickets and / or wristbands is strictly prohibited and will lead to disciplinary action.
  • You are responsible for the security of your ticket(s) and / or wristband(s) once collected. They will not be reissued.
Bringing Guests to Summer Ball
  • ICU may allow members to purchase tickets for guests who are non-members closer to the event. If so, you must accompany your guests to the event, and assume responsibility for their actions during the event.
  • Guest details must be pre-registered, in line with guidance that will be available when guest tickets are purchased.
  • Guest tickets will not be immediately available, to maximise the opportunity for current Imperial students to attend.
  • All guests must be over 18 years of age. Guests must be signed in on entry to the event and be able to present original copies of photo ID (driver’s license or passport) proving that they are over 18.
  • Guests will need to be with the student who purchased their ticket upon entry.
  • All attendees must bring proof of age ID (a valid driver’s license or passport) with them when they collect tickets / wristbands and to the event itself.
  • All ICU members, Imperial College students or staff, must also bring with them their CID card.
Entering the Venue
  • Wristbands will guarantee you entry into the Summer Ball until 21:00 on Saturday 22 June 2024. Admittance after this time is not guaranteed.
  • Should you leave the Summer Ball, no re-entry is permitted.
  • Anyone attempting entry without a valid wristband will be subject to the ICU and Imperial College disciplinary processes.
  • ICU reserves the right to refuse you entry to the event for any reason, including being intoxicated. You will not be eligible for a refund if this occurs.

Transfers and Refunds
  • Tickets are non-transferable and cannot be sold on.
  • All ticket sales are final and once tickets have been purchased refunds are unavailable (this includes error purchases, any duplicates, if you have bought a ticket for the wrong event and if you do not attend the event because of injury, person choice or illness)
  • Please note that this is standard practice at every entertainment venue in the UK.
  • However, there are certain instances in which a refund may be given:
  • The entire event has been cancelled by ICU or by an affiliated promoter. In the occurrence of this, refunds will be available to anyone who has purchased a ticket in advanced and at face value. Please note that if an event is relocated to an alternate venue, this does not qualify for a refund unless the capacity of the new venue is less than the number of ticket holders.
  • If the event has to be stopped while occurring due to circumstances beyond our control and regarded as too unsafe to continue. In this circumstance a decision by management as to whether a refund can be offered to the ticket holders.
  • In all instances, management’s decision is final based on the individual circumstances.
  • In the event that we discover that there has been an error in the ticket prices you have ordered, ICU will inform you as soon as possible and we may cancel the order. In which case you will either receive a refund for the ticket price you have paid or be offered the option to confirm your order at the correct price.
  • There are no other instances in which a refund may be offered.
Use of Images
  • Summer Ball will be photographed, filmed, and elements may be streamed via live webcast by us or our agents. By purchasing a ticket to this event you consent to the recording and transmission of images (both still and moving) of you and your guests as members of the audience. We retain all rights in any images, which can be used for publicity purposes and marketing materials. If you’d prefer your image not to be used in materials, please email icu.events@imperial.ac.uk identifying the image/video.
  • During the event, if you consent to an image being taken by one of our photographers, these will potentially be uploaded to our social media channels for publicity and marketing purposes.
  • If you have any objection to being photographed/recorded while at the Summer Ball, please make yourself known to our photographer/videographer.
Force Majeure
  • If the Summer Ball cannot take place or is delayed because of circumstances beyond our reasonable control, we will not be liable for any direct or indirect losses incurred by you or your guests. Examples of such circumstances include (without limitation): war, terrorism, civil commotion, fire, flood, adverse weather, natural disaster, act of God, outbreak of disease, epidemic, pandemic, any strike or labour dispute, interruption or failure of any utility service, any government order, rule regulation, or action by a government or public authority.
  • This means that though we will refund the cost of your ticket if the event is cancelled, we will not be able to reimburse you for any costs incurred such as travel or accommodation.